This series began as a material exploration with oil painting during my undergrad studies. I wanted to learn this new skill but had no idea what to paint. It was my senior year, in the midst of COVID, a uncertain time filled with endings. There was a post-it note that someone had left on the wall by our studios; blank, seemingly purposeless, but generally disregarded and left hanging for over a month. I was just lonely and pensive enough at the time to view this as a grand metaphor. I’ve now made several of these pieces over the years, and the post-it has come to represent my disorganized, forgetful brain as well as bright spots in the drudgery of corporate office life. Technically, it appeals to my instincts for color, simplicity, geometry, and trompe l’œuil, and acts as a measuring stick for my developing painting skills.


A Sky That Stops

